
The Vefsna projects

MON KF has since 2008 in cooperation with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, and on behalf of the County Governor of Nordland and the Norwegian Environment Agency worked on a number of projects related to the waterways in the region, and especially in the context of the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus Salaris. Most of the waterways are now declared healthy, but much remains to be done before the work is completed.

This among other things includes:

Re-establishment of salmon

The re-establishment of salmon has already been going on for many years and will continue until the waterways are fully recruited. This work consists mainly of putting out all stages of juvenile fish of salmon, roe, plum sac fry, starter-fed fry, one-year fry, as well as smolt. The work is a collaboration between the Norwegian Environment Agency, the County Governor of Nordland, the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Statkraft and Helgeland Kraft.

Monitoring of fish stocks

In order to be able to say something about the state of fish stocks in the area, it is crucial to collect data that can tell something about this. This is done by calculating densities of juvenile fish, collecting sample material, as well as the withdrawal of adult fish for otolite analyses. The work takes place in cooperation with NINA and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute.

Treatment of the Fusta watercourse

The Fusta watercourse is the only watercourse in the region that is yet to be declared healthy. In autumn 2020, the process of determining the strategy and scope of this work will begin. MON KF leads this work locally.

Restoration of fishing stairs

MON KF is working with Vefsnlaks and the County Governor of Nordland to restore the fishing stairs in the region. The work will continue until anadrome fish have good access to previous spawning and fostering areas in the region.

Re-establishment of sea trout in the Rana region

MON KF works in cooperation with the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Statkraft, the County Governor of Nordland, as well as local stakeholders to re-establish the local sea trout tribes in the Rana region.

Espen Isaksen
For further info, please contact:

Thomas Bjørnå
Phone: 904 77 459